Most people shudder when they think of this organization. They're realistic and unapologetic, and I'd have it no other
way. They aren't just tomato-wielding vegans with dreds and hemp, its your next-door-neighbor, your cousin, your co-workers...
these people have so many causes not just for animals, but for the cleanliness of our world and health of humankind.
Even if you're not a vegetarian, this site will bring a smile to your face. There are people in this world who fight
for the nameless, faceless animals who suffer animal cruelty everyday, and this "VICTORIES" page will make you feel a little
better about the world in which we live.

American Cancer Society
Okay, here comes a spiel. These people are the spawn of satan. Well, I'm sure that some of them have good intentions...
no, I take it back. There have been soooo many cancer break-throughs that the American Cancer society pays off. It's true,
do your research. I'll try to find a good link to post here. And non-profit? Do you know just how many people make a living
off of donations of bereabed family and friends from late cancer patients that could have survived affordably had the very
"company" that they support had not made it impossible? Cancer isn't a disease. It's an INDUSTRY.
The Million Mom March
The organization for women to support bans of the distribution and sale of dangerous and life-taking weapons. Click above
for the march coming to your area. I'm not a mom, but I think these women are making such a positive, influential movement
The Gun Control Network
This is the homepage of the Gun Control Network. This is a good place to educate yourself.
Prevention of Cancer Fraud
Pretty self-explanatory.
In affiliatiate of PetsMart charities, this amazing organization helps you find cheap neutering and spaying, shelters,
foster programs, and general support for needy animals in YOUR AREA.
Spay U.S.A.
The nice folks at Spay U.S.A. will direct you to cheap ways to spay and neuter your animal. They will also give you the
chilling details of the reality of over-population and mandatory euthanization of dogs and cats alike.
Gilda's Club NYC
An organization in honor of Gilda Radner. A support website for cancer patients, family, and friends. They don't promise
miracles, they only want to help.