Sylvia Plath Web

Besides Virginia Woolf, Ms. Plath is my favorite insane female writer/poet. There was recently a movie starring
Gwyneth Paltrow telling her life story. It didn't do very well - I don't know why, but I think only insane, female writers
enjoyed it. (well....)
Emily Dickinson Electronic Archives
Another favorite.
Chuck Palahniuk

One of the best and most fearless writers... I hated Fight Club the movie, but his word flow is genius. "Choke" is a
Pino is an Italian painter who is heavily influenced by Pre-Raphaelites and Macchiaioli. He grew up surrounded by beautiful
women his sisters, aunts, cousins...) and women are often the subject of his work. To date, he has illustrated over 3,000
books and he's still going! He will be visiting my hometown in late October, so check out his website and see if he'll be
comig your way too.

Humanities Web
A good literary source.
Sue Monk Kidd
She is becoming my favorite modern writer...
Nutwatch Reviews: Extreme Christianity
Part of Secular Life, this girl dives into an extreme christian and presents a humorous and almost sacriligious look
at some of the tracting methods and conversion approaches that seem... well, threatening.

I can't claim to be a complete vegetarian. BUT, they do have other arguments for the humane treatment of animals.
Introducing Series
You can find any book of theirs underneath clothes in my room, my kitchen table, or accompanying the other many books
I carry around for some stupid reason.

The Murray Street Band
Think: Funky Dave Matthews jamming out

Dechen Hawk
This white boy can sing! He sounds too much like Stevie Wonder (but thats a good thing). His songs are so emotional,
once you figure out what he's talking about, you'll say to yourself "Damn!"
These guys have such an unusual sound. They've just recently been signed. Their content is upbeat and funny like They
Might Be Giants but they have a quirky sound.. maybe like Bare Nakes Ladies
Tad Dreis

Sweet, reminiscent songs. His sound is like Bob Dylan meets Paul Simon. And that's not an over-statement. And no, I don't
kiss asses.